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Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta

About me

In the real life, I am teacher at a middle school in Germany. My main subject is music. I wanted to learn playing the Great Highland Bagpipe in my childhood, but there weren't teachers or pipe bands in Germany. There was no internet and lessons via Skype were impossible. I had to forget this dream at the moment.
First as an adult I found the Pipes & Drums Of Brunswiek, a pipe band from Braunschweig, inv the internet. I started to learn the bagpipes with a practice chanter, an instrument for practice the finger technique and the tunes. I started to learn playing the bagpipes in September 2008.
2012 I changed the band and join the Owltown Pipe & Drum Band in Peine. During this time, I spent a lot of time to concentrate on my solo playing and played a lot of competition till today.
I take one-to-one lessons, take part on workshops, take exams and play sompetitions successful.
In March 2015 I did the Tutor Certificate and now I am bagpipe teacher and the first lady of Germany who did it.
Germany's first female certificatet bagpipe teacher!
The Tutor Certificate won't be the last what I did. In Summer 2017 I passed the Piobaireached Certificate. During my work for that certificate I noticed, that Piobaireachd is my great passion. It is a great pleasure for me to work on this materie.
In February 2018 I left the Owl Town Pipe & Drum Band, but not without offering my help when they need one piper more. I don't want to play in one band only, I like to help bands who need help.
I want to work hard on my solo playing.
In June 2018 I thought about studies in HNC (Higher National Certificate) at the National Piping Centre. I applied, passed the entrance examination and I have been student since September 2018.
In August 2018 I was guest player with St. Pauli Pipes & Drums Hamburg. I likes the atmosphere in the band and I became a member. I know that the distance is too far for regularly practice with the band.

Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta

Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta Bagpiper Dagmar Pesta

News, you can find here

Muehle 3
38173 Sickte, Germany
Telephone Number: 0049-5333-90 778
Mobile Number: 0049-171-79 14 684
E-mail: dagmar.pesta@pesta-online.co.uk